Every year, millions of individuals are affected by a deadly condition known as heart disease. According to the Heart Association, heart disease was still the leading cause of death in the country as of 2018. Tacking misinformation around cardiovascular topics isn’t for the faint of heart. Believing in these outdated ideas may increase your risk
In spite of the fact that pain cannot kill people, every fifth person in the world’s population suffers from the pain of some kind, according to estimates from the World Health Organization. However, aging is a slow process. One may not even realize how time went by. Along with this realization, it’s the body that
Monsoon season is here and it’s time to take extra care as this season comes with a lot of infectious diseases. Senior citizens are more likely to get infected in monsoon season as the humidity level is high and can quickly give rise to infections and fear of germ infections in elder persons. The most
SIX ESSENTIAL FACTORS TO REDUCE HYPERTENSION Your age, along with a family history of hypertension and ethnicity are among the hypertension risk factors that are out of your control. When it comes to preventing high blood pressure, the idea is to focus on the risk factors that you can change.To avoid hypertension, make these six
Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory ailment of the liver. It is commonly caused by a viral infection, but there are other possible causes of hepatitis. Other possible causes include hepatitis that occurs as a secondary result of medications, drugs, toxins, and alcohol and via autoimmune hepatitis which occurs when your body makes antibodies against your
“Immunity” was first reported by Russian scientist II Melnikov and French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Initially, scientists considered it as the organism’s immunity against infections or infectious diseases, but later it was revealed that it gives our body the power to fight against all kinds of diseases. For example, if you have good immunity, you can